Saturday, March 8, 2008

Groundhogs lie

Yesterday I promised a bike show report. March break (yesterday) and a certain groundhog (today) have conspired to shelve that particular plan. Filthy, nasty little rodents. I'd go kill Wiarton Willie, but the little rodent actually died last year, maybe the year before. Funny thing was, he (it?) died sometime before Groundhog Day, and they rolled him out of the ground in February as usual, not mentioning the rather significant decrease in his/her/its usual metabolism. I can just imagine, "Hey mommy, I wonder if Willie will see his shadow? I wonder if spring is coming soon, or if it's going to be a long winter? Mommy, how can he see his shadow lying on his back, with his legs stuck up in the air? Why is his tongue sticking out of his mouth?"

Six weeks, whatever. Another 25 cm of snow today (that's 10 inches for you Americans) added to 10 cm last night. This is apparently the most severe winter to hit this area since 1939. There is no longer anywhere to put snow at the end of my driveway and the hump is enough to swallow small cars whole - just ask my wife.

Speaking of my wife, rainer on parades that she is, she kindly, gently reminded me today that I was frickin' nuts for identifying my new "dream job", fluorish of trumpets please - outside sales rep for a certain bike P2Company that shall remain nameless.

Never mind that I have no outside sales experience, or that I'd have to travel, either to US New England or alternatively the Canadian West. Never mind that I've never written a sales plan, nor executed one nor conducted one speck of market research in my life. I don't even have one minutes' worth of experience selling bikes or sporting goods of any kind. Well, that's not true. I did sell hockey sticks and equipment when I was in high school. Okay, okay, okay, so maybe I'm not exactly a slam-dunk natural. What about the diamond in the rough? What about grabbing for the brass ring? What about growing and cultivating enthusiasm? What about loving what you do, following your muse, doing what you love and loving what you do? What about joie de vivre, about working with complete strangers in unfamiliar cities, day after day, month after month? What about the employee discount? Eh? What about the employee discount?

Never mind. While she may not be exactly right, she's probably "slightly less wrong". Gonna have to start working on another dream, I guess.

Maybe tomorrow.

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