Friday, April 18, 2008

Do or do not, there is no try...

Yoda is the man. There was very little to like about the new "old" Star Wars movies, but the younger (?!?) Yoda, with the lightsaber and the high-impact aerobics was definitely one of the high points. But I digress....

Originally I was going to call this "the end of Coach Troy", but that's not necessarily true. Today I had a choice: slot in Coach Troy for another bout of crankarm bending, or hit the roads and crank it outside, as Cliff says "crank it 'til it hurts".

It's 22 degrees C (that's warm for you Amerks - 68F in your cute little temperature system) and sunny. Coach Troy never had a chance.

This morning was a power set, all in the big ring. 8 X 1 minute in the biggest gear I have (52/12), the last two of which were standing uphills. Brutal. Averaged 34 km/h (21.2 mph for you others) which doesn't sound like much, but is a pretty good clip for me.
Today, cranked it until it hurt. So much that I just finished my "recovery" run, nine hours later and I'm totally bagged. Good day overall.

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