Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Bad start

Three more daughter has been walking around for days, counting down and flashing the fingers.
So, I've checked out the website of the place we're staying at the House of Mouse. Three pools, plus one kiddie pool, but no indication of a workout facility (specifically spinbikes) or internet access?!? I don't know which is worse - the threat of no wheels or the threat of no 'net.

Anyway, in preparation for this upcoming "caveman" week this week's workout plan was weighted heavily to the swim and bike, with very little (actually none so far) running. Last week was a pretty big run week (for March) and next week will also be run-focused, if the achilles lets it be so.

The point? Yes, I'm getting to it. Dragged myself out of bed at 5:30 this morning, headed out in the cold to the pool, to find two other people lined up outside the door arguing with the lifeguard on the other side of the closed door. Seems that a key had broken off in a door (never did figure out which one) and the pool couldn't be opened. Grrr.... not a good start to the day. It can only get better, right?
Shuffled the day around, and got in a solid swim later in the afternoon, and followed it up with a long set of hill repeats on the bike, in the basement.
Finished the day having a couple of BEvERages with an old friend of mine. We spent a few hours talking about my current state of employment and any advice/suggestions he could come up with to alter the situation. An interesting conversation to be sure, and certainly was worth the price of admission at the time. Perhaps a topic for a future post.

1 comment:

scarinzic said...

your daughter is adorable! hope she had fun in disney... definitely fun for kids down there!