Monday, April 20, 2009

Once again....

I didn't win the lottery.  No Kona for me this year.

I mean, come on, how could my tear-jerking, made-for-NBC-and-Al-Trautwig-story have been any better?  Okay, so granted I'm not recovering from any terminal disease (that I know of).  I haven't fought in any wars, foreign or otherwise.  I have all my original limbs and appendages.  All my direct family members are still alive, and I'm not going to push any of them in a float/jogging stroller/tandem bike or anything like that.  I've never been a famous professional athlete in any other sport.

Sheesh, is it too much to ask for one little birthday present?

Guess so.  I guess now I'll just have to work for it like any other whacko in this sport.  Oh well, by the time it rolls around to land on my birthdate again, I might just......

....yeah, sure.  Never mind.



Cliff said...


This Sat, we are hitting 22*C :o). That's all i am looking forward right now.

Shazam said...

better luck next year...