Saturday, January 10, 2009

New year, new look

Or so I hope.

So I'm out for a run the other night and as I turn the corner off my street I hear, "mind if I join you?"  Another guy has run up behind me.  Turns out he lives a couple blocks away and he's training for Ironman Lake Placid.  He did a couple of short-course races this summer past, and the half-iron at Peterborough on three weeks training.  

We got into a conversation about training and Ironman and a bunch of other things.  Now I'm by no means an expert on training, but after one Ironman race everyone else seems to think so?  He says he needs to work on his nutrition (in January?  For a race in July?) because sometimes he forgets to eat.  We  talked about fueling during racing, or as much as I know on the topic, which isn't much.  I related my experience in finding out what my intake limit is on the run - two 300-calorie Powerbars, three gels, two bottles of Gatorade and a bottle of water on a 30km run is too much, unless you like lying down on the couch afterward begging the room to stop spinning.

Anyway, one good thing that came out of this run?  I've decided that I'm targeting Lake Placid this year.  It was about 90% confirmed up to now, but now it's solid.  The catch?  Oh yeah, little thing like registration's closed.  So is the community fund.  The only other option now is to qualify through one of the qualifying races.  The closest to here is the Muskoka Long Course, so that gets added to the schedule.

Another good thing?  Now I have another training partner, and local to boot.  I'll just have to work on getting him off his four-week training program - a long run of three hours every weekend is eventually going to catch up to this guy.  PS - I looked up his results at Peterborough - at least I beat him there.



Richard said...

Good on ya!! Signing up is a good thing to do, it'll give you something to aim for during those colder training days.

Cheers mate

ps 12 weeks out now.....

Cliff said...

Hey Aaron,

Glad to hear you have someone to run w/ and you can be his coach :)...i mean share the wisdom. :D

Seems like you've been running a lot :).that's awesome..i have to get back on running again.

Btw, do u have a set race schedule for next year??? HIM Peterborough?? I will be doing Muskoka for sure.