Thursday, February 28, 2008

Rollin', again

Humans are extraordinarily trainable. Put another way, people are creatures of habit. We will default to the same thing we've always done, because it's comfortable, because it's a known entity. It doesn't even really seem to matter that it doesn't work, or provide the results desired. The definition of insanity is, "doing the same things over and over, and expecting different results". And so it goes. We do what we've always done, we continue to get what we've always got, and we wonder why things don't change. Like the hamster in the flywheel we keep burning energy and effort, but the scenery stays the same.

I sit here this morning, a red-and-yellow cup in front of me and I continue to do what I've always done, around this time every year. "Roll up the rim" the cup says, promises of prizes and riches within. And, like a sheep, knowing full well that my odds of winning are far less than 1 in 9, I keep on rolling. A lot of people I know do the same and we all keep getting the same result, but I betcha the stock price of that particular coffee provider shoots through the roof at this time of year.

So what does this have to do with training? The body adjusts to routine, and to familiarity. After a time, a plateau will be reached in terms of repeating the same workouts over and over. Even worse, as we all continue to age, it's likely that performance will drop. All other things being equal, men and women lose one pound of muscle mass per year after the mid-thirties.

So, mix it up. Do different things. Run different roads. Ride different routes. Swim more. Above all, change up the routines. Spend more time on technique and form, especially in the water - it's the cheapest easiest way to "free speed" (although the free is debatable). Do more strength and flexibility training. Don't get sucked in by the shiniest, carbonest "go-fast" toys. There's a reason why world championship-winning race times haven't changed significantly in the last twenty years, even with all the proclaimed latest and greatest speed-creating gadgets. Come on now, do you really think that dimples on your bike suit are going to get you closer to the podium? Carbon, aluminum, titanium MoGo, whatever. The engine is the eating/sleeping/breathing component on the bike. When in doubt, train more. Get off the flywheel, and go somewhere else. Most importantly, just go. Less talking, more sweating.

Gotta run now - actually, literally run.


And buy less coffee.

1 comment:

Darren said...

So true bro. Can't figure out why you are running the same times over and over? Time to change the stimulii.

I still want that P2C though...