Monday, February 25, 2008

"A" milestone #1, etc.

Last comment on last week: I've done some pretty challenging things in my life. I've stayed up for 72 hours during "frosh week" (or so I recall - it does get a little hazy). I've run marathons and sat through marathon labour sessions - 26 hours of labour for my son's birth (although I'll admit I did have the easy job that day). I've finished six-hour bike rides and three-hour runs after which I've just come home to lie down gently on the couch and try to get the room to stop spinning. I've even finished the frickin' Ironman. All of these compare to a ten-minute speech last Thursday when I had to stand up in front of nearly 100 people to say good-bye. Carrie wasn't the only one with the shaking hands - I wouldn't have given me that knife to cut the cake. Like I said, you can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family and most of those yahoos have been "family" for going on eight years.

So, this weekend is A-race #1 - the Chilly Half. In the spirit of BHAGs, my goal for this race is a 1:30:00 half, which would better my current PB by 5 minutes (and 2 seconds, if you're picky). Put in my last long run yesterday - an easy 12 miler, and it was a beautiful day for it. Sunny, for the first time in weeks with only the slightest puffs of wind. Thought briefly about pulling the bike out of the basement and hitting the road, but didn't get there. Made up for it today by putting in two hours on the bike. In the basement, mind you, but I watched "Million Dollar Baby". Here's my one take-home message, and the reason why this might make the list as one of my all-time favourite movies: do what you believe. Listen to others, take in their advice, recognize their wisdom and experience, and then do it your way anyway. Stubborn, dogged, single-minded persistence trumps talent, flash and $$ every day of the week (kinda sounds like a triathlon moment). Great movie - I won't say any more if you haven't seen it, but I do recommend it.

Here's the dilemma for this week. If the half-marry on Sunday is an A priority race, then how to get in enough training as per the schedule so as to stay on schedule AND still be sufficiently rested to put in a good effort Sunday morning? Here's the answer: no running this week after Thursday. Nothing at all on Saturday. That means front-loading the week - looking to have a total of at least 10 hours in by Friday. Sheesh, with all this new free time on my hands it should be no problem.

On that front, I did get something of a "surprise" call today. Wasn't expecting to get a bite quite so soon, but another call came in. Nothing concrete - don't get excited. I'm not getting too worked up about anything just yet. I expect that I'll continue to have a lot of free time for quite some time.


1 comment:

ryegrrrl said...

I hear more snow in the forecast!!!! That should make for those longs runs before Thursday soooo much fun!!!

Miss you already.

So you got a bite???? I am keeping my fingers crossed 4 U !!!!