Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Nutrition - by others

I had some idea that I would post some pontification on the topic of nutrition - this coming from an individual who hung up a picture of chocolate chip cookies in an earlier post.

In this sport, 95% of all competitors, and I'm willing to wager that percentage is higher, have no problem putting in the swim, bike and run time - okay, so the swim takes a little extra convincing, but you get the general idea. A very select few are willing to go the extra mile, and pay as much attention to the fuel that drives the workouts. I mean, honestly now, how many times have you said to yourself, "yep, after that three-hour ride/run, I've earned a cheeseburger and a beer".

I often use the phrase "garbage in, garbage out" at work. The same principle applies here. Your engine is driven by the fuel that you put in the tank. Can't run a premium engine on a bowl of Froot Loops and Eggos.

As a wise man(guy) once said, fuhggedaboudit. All I could have said, and much more, has been said many times better by Chuckie V. The post, and associated reading list are here. I'll dig into this list ('cuz that's what I do) and report back. There's a great deal of logic here, and of course the conspiracy theorists will be on this like green on grass. For those interested, another fine source of info on the topic is Mark's Daily Apple.

Check it out. Report to follow.

1 comment:

Darren said...

Having been a 'health food nut' back in the day when people who were 'nutritionists' were nuts, I read Chucky's post with interest.

In the end, I wasn't sure if I was reading alot of conjecture sprinkled with just enough truisms to make it all seem plausible.

My conclusion is still the same. Eat good food. Whole food, organics when possible (and local!), spend the extra and buy grain fed, free range organic chicken, meats etc, moderation another keyword, lots of fruit, veggies, snack on nuts, raisins, dates and lastly still treat yourself on occasion! (i love potato chips...)