Sunday, May 4, 2008

Monster weekend

Looking over the log for the week, it doesn't seem all that impressive, but it does add up:

Swim - 7200m

Bike - 172.4 km

Run - 41 km

The "adding" up part came from a pretty solid weekend. 25km run yesterday, followed by a hard 2600m swim this morning and a 93km hillacious ride this afternoon.

Okay, so I've never claimed to be a fast swimmer, but today was just too much. I got passed by a woman doing kick drills. Dolphin kick, on her back. Sheesh, I thought I was going pretty well, then that. Just having to keep looking at the pace clock - the time is actually falling there.

Today's ride was pretty solid as well - the (ever-present) wind and a trifecta of three of the best hills to ride around here - Guelph Line (up to Mount Nemo), Bell School Line and Sixth Line, as described here. After that weekend the knees feel a little hollowed-out.

More good news: upon discussion with the house CFO, admission into Peterborough has been tentatively approved for 2008. This came right after she tried to convince me that I should run the Mississauga marathon, which is only next weekend. When I pointed out that the longest run I had run this year was 25km, and only once in the last three months, she was a little disappointed. Turns out her boss is running the race, and apparently I need to run it to defend the honour of the family name.

Went in to the LBS and "placed the order" for the soon-to-be new member of the family. Turns out that their definition of "in stock" and my definition are not the same. Their definition doesn't include "in my size", and due to obvious popularity of the brand, the most precise delivery date that they can commit to is "sometime in May". Getting excited - should be good. Hopefully it's not too much longer.


1 comment:

Darren said...

Nice work bro.

So are you in for Mississauga? No way you can let a challenge to the family honour go answered!

I'm not saying, I'm just saying!