Monday, December 17, 2007

Now that's winter!

Does shoveling the driveway count as "cross-training?" Don't know, but it should, especially three times in two days. Not really "sport-specific though, is it?

So yesterday, according to schedule was the "long run" day - 13 miles was the plan - this, the day after the company Christmas party the night before. Woke up and couldn't see out the front window of the house. "Okay", I told myself, "adapt the plan"...

Then after shoveling and tobogganing with the little monkeys, who are at an age where they're completely impervious to cold (perhaps because they were eating great huge handfuls of snow) I realized that the run wasn't going to get in yesterday. Still the off-season, so no big deal, and still managed to get five runs in.
In the grand scheme of things, so what? I missed one run. Got to hang out with the kids, watching them happily plow over each other in their plastics sleds and howling laughter while they did it. Not beneficial to the aerobic base, but certainly good for the mental fitness. After all, there shouldn't be any "A" workouts in December. There'll be plenty of those in the spring and summer.
Lesson learned? Some days the plan goes out the window, and you just wing it. Good lesson, good day for it.

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